Saturday, 1 August 2015

First Solo!!!

A very soggy me after the ritualistic,
post solo 'throwing in the pool'
The time has come to go solo. Exciting? Yeah.  Petrifying? Absolutely; considering this is suppose to be one of the most memorable days in your flying career. 

In all honesty, I loved every minute of it. After going out for a few circuits with my instructor first to prove I'm capable, I landed back at Goodyear, taxied back to the aircraft's stand, jettisoned my instructor and set off to the runway for my solo. 

Taking to the sky for the first time was really weird for two reasons 
1- having no instructor next to me 
2- I'm flying an aircraft unaided, in less time than it took me to drive a car by myself.
The DA40s and DA42s in a row in the morning 
before my pre solo check ride.

So now my instructor's gone, and it's just me and the DA40. After the 'Before Engine Start' and 'Engine Start Checks' were complete, I taxied to the staging area to call ground for permission to taxi to the active runway, usually runway 21and  then taxied to hold short. After finishing the 'Before Takeoff Checks', I called tower to let them know I was ready at runway 21 for right closed traffic, and once I had my takeoff clearance I powered up the engine, turned on the landing lights, turned on the fuel pump, manoeuvred onto the centreline and completed my first solo takeoff!!! 

I performed one right hand circuit around Goodyear airport and then made a full stop landing, I couldn't have asked for better conditions, the wind was very calm, and fortunately being early(ish) the sun wasn't as punishing as it can be at 2-3 in the afternoon.

While taxying back to the apron, I still couldn't really comprehend what I'd just done. I'd just flown an aircraft by myself, probably the most significant thing I have done in my life so far. 

As I parked the Diamond underneath the ramada, I was greeted by my housemates, who following tradition, carried me back to the pool to throw me in it. GREAT! The rules are, after your first solo flight, you're feet aren't allowed to touch the ground until you've been thrown into the swimming pool. Which as you can see from the first photo here, happened! 

I can, without ANY doubt, say that this was one of the most special days of my life, and I'll always remember my first solo!

Packing the Diamond after the solo flight

First solo, DONE!